Wheat Grass Shots Fired, Man Down
Sometimes I do things, not for the actual experience, but just to say I've done it and check it off my imaginary to do list. I have to try everything once if it will broaden my horizons, and usually it's not like it`s going to kill me.
Except this.
Wheat grass could kill you. Seriously, the crazy little blades would probably team up and form a giant grassy villain and use their sharp grass swords to slice you open and rearrange your organs, then be all "YEAH, what's up now, biznitch" Okay, not actually, its just... the TASTE! Its like, why does grass have to suck so much?
But... to be honest it's super good for you and does amazing things for your body. The inventor, Charles F. Schnabel did the first experiments in 1930 and used grass to nurse dying hens back to health and the hens actually got better and then grew wings and horns and flew off and dominated all the other hens in the land. Also not true, but the hens did recover and then produced more eggs than the healthy hens. Sooo yeah, if your life is needing a boost of Chlorophyll, try a shot of wheat grass. Just don't say I didn't warn you!
It looks all pretty and harmless, but that's part of it's ploy to get you to want to try it out and maybe bury your face in it and whisper sweet nothings. Then it'll get you when you're least expecting it.

It makes your tongue do crazy things, too.

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