beautiful breanna megan
this girl... i tell ya. she could wear a paper bag and still look good.
she could decorate the paper bag in neon streamers and top it with with a mexican sombrero and people would be all, ooh, new fashion? yes please. i want a sombrero and neon streamers.
and i finally figured out, after spending a week with her, who it she she reminds me of.... PENELOPE CRUZ! or salma hayek. im still not convinced they're not the same person.
so i'm super pumped bre asked me to take her photo- she's never done modeling of any kind but she's such a natural i hardly had to do any directing. a couple weeks ago she was visiting from vegas and we had like 20 extra minutes before her plane left so we thought it would be super smart to squeeze in a quick photo shoot. so we drove to the farming area of gilbert, hopped a fence and trespassed all up in their biznizz.
then the jolly neighbor lady came over and gave us her colt. like, not as an offering or anything. to use in the photos. he was the CUTest thing ever! not super cooperative but it was like 5 hours old. you can't expect a newborn to sit up straight and smile and stop pooping. why would a colt be any different? so, heres a few shots from our first attempt at a high-fashion photo shoot... with about twenty minutes... on a super super sunny day... at a farm... with a paper bag.
arizona shoot

california shoot
and bre was aMAZing. she even stripped down to the itty bitty bikini and did some sports-illustrated-swimsuit-edition-style laying in freezing cold water!! i like my spot on this side of the camera... just saying.
the locations were so awesome tho, and the model was stunning... we had to break through a barricade of surfer guys standing around ogling to get out of there when we were done. biggest burden ever.
... i can't wait to get bre's engagement news so i can do their photos. lol... jk. but not really.

what a dream client! looks like such a fun shoot! i love checking out your blog - love the beautiful warm light you are able to capture.