yes, i am still alive.
no, i haven't died from heat stroke nor have i been attacked by a ferocious army of cacti. and i haven't run off to dubai in search of a wealthy, kandura-clad husband... but great guesses and thank you for your concern!
i blame my recent AWOL-ness on the creative part of my brain that never stops going. (also why the other parts of my brain don't always function 100%... the creativity sucks all the juice out and then the rest of my brain is all, huh? carrot sticks don't go in the cupboard)?
so this is how it started: i woke up one morning and wanted to wear this pretty dress my mom brought back from hawaii. but when i put it on i realized it was made for a person of normal height and not the vertically challenged folk, such as i. so i had this brainwave that if i cut off a few inches from the hem it would fit better. and being one that doesn't like to waste or throw out ANYthing (although i'm not yet to the point of collecting each and every yogurt/sour cream/cottage cheese container that comes into my life)... (i have my gramma for that) i came up with the idea of turning the scraps into beautiful wall decor and calling it art!
ok, not really, but shoot me if i ever do that.
no, actually i figured if i could make them into flowers or something that slightly resembled a flower, and then sew them onto the neckline, my too long dress would suddenly be a refurbished and even cuter anthro-looking creation. so i got out the glue gun and sewing machine and started making fabric flowers. then i found a PILE of fabric that my mom was hoarding for the day she plans to make a 40 acre quilt, which i doubt will be this week or next week, so i took it and made more flowers. then i was all, hey! this would make a cute headband. and this would be a cute belt... ooh and pins and brooches and hair accessories....
and then it occurred to me. omg, ETSY! so i was like, hey etsy, can i open up a shop? and etsy was like ummm, you're probably not good enough but everyone else in the world is doing it, so go for it i guess.
so there you have it. its nothing spectacular by any means, but it's how i've been filling my days while patiently waiting to get out there and shoot again. feel free to stop by and take a gander.
and of course i asked my gorgeous sister-in-law to do the modeling for me... thanks again leah. ur a superstar! (not the kind who smells their armpits)

love your little shop Melissa! You are very creative and look forward to seeing what else you come up with!