hair pretties
this past weekend i asked 2 of the cutest little heads of hair i know to model my latest hair designs... or "hair pretties" as they were so eloquently labeled by alex.
kids are unpredictable and surprisingly, not every kid likes to sit outside in the blazing 117ยบ heat and have their picture taken. i know, right? like, why not?
well... on a scale of one to ten, ten being generally content and one being 'please kill me now', alex's enthusiasm about doing this photo shoot was sitting somewhere around fourteen thousand and seven, falling in the freakishly overjoyed range. I couldn't have ordered a happier kid off the internet! she kept saying things like "WOW. this is the BEST modeling job i've ever had". it was also the only modeling job she's ever done, which was really surprising because she was a natural! every pose she struck was more catalogue than the last... i was actually struggling to keep up with her.
i managed to get a couple shots of hailey also but she clearly had more important things to be doing.

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