note: barrel racing is not pushing a bunch of barrels off the top of a steep hill and letting them race down to the bottom. clearly i was never a farm girl.
so apparently the horses race. around barrels. (thats where the barrels come into play) and we got to go watch the riders train their horses for the barrel races. it was neat-o and even though i know nothing about horses i can appreciate all the work that goes into making them look and perform as well as they do.
i photographed emily. she is 16 years old and won the title of 2010 state champion barrel racer. emily is awesome. when she "tore a hole in ma britches" she just patched it up with duct tape. i'm positive this chick will go far in life! I mean, c'mon. She's wearing a bat-man shirt. How is that not the coolest thing ever?

these are emily's riding boots. she got them brand new at the beginning of the year.

Yaaayyy!! Workshop pics!!!! Gotta love a cowgirl with painted fingernails! Especially two different colors!!