im not gonna lie, i sometimes make things up a little but i swear to you 100%- i am not making this up.
mexico is awesome.
i knew the moment i walked into the lobby of the resort and was handed my fruity drink as my luggage was whisked away by the bellboy that this was going to be a good week.
and everything was soo gorgeous! jac and court were super hot.. they picked a super hot wedding party and an amazing location. i mean, i took home a pair of slippers! usually you take home chocolates from a wedding or the mini vial of bubbles which is still awesome, but slippers are definitely the awesomest.
and so are 5 star resorts in cancun. i can vouch for that. like, srsly? frealz, this is my job??
jac and her bridesmaids got ready in the resort's salon which was a 2 minute walk from her room through the luscious green palm trees and past the beautiful exotic birds and other wonderful things. (can you tell im now writing this from non luscious green surroundings and that i miss them a bit?)

i love love LOVED the bridesmaid's dresses! they were totally cute with a slightly anthro looking silk flowerish design across the front...made me crave whipped cream.

the ceremony was just off the path in the sand under the palm trees... the temps were perfect and the light was fabulous and thats all i could ask for. but on top of perfect conditions everything looked so incredibly amazing! barcélo maya plans and prepares basically every detail and i was really impressed with how gorgeous it all came together.
if you want to get married in mexico you have to prove you're a good thumb painter.
i think these neat green fashion shades may have been the first purchase ever made by jaclyn as the new 'mrs. anderson' which, pretty sure was not cool by mr. anderson but they were totally worth it for the pics, right jac!?! basically like a tax write-off.
in my opinion everyone should get married in mexico with 50 of their closest friends and family. i am definitely a strong supporter. and if you dont have 50 friends then you can go on-line to where jaclyn got hers from.
a mariachi band played as the sun went down, it was probably my favourite part of the day. i don't know why short men in matching tight white pants is so entertaining, but it is!
i may or may not have taken one home with me in my purse.
so i know most posts only ever include 5 or 10 photos max but this one was different. there were just way too many pretty things to put down the camera for more than 5 to 10 seconds and consequently i came home with over a thousand images from this one day alone. and i wanted to post every single photo and i literally could not figure out where to stop, so i just did the logical thing and posted every single photo so thats why this post has approximately all the wedding pics.
jac contacted me a week before their wedding (just kidding... kind of... but not really) and asked me to come to mexico to be their photographer. i then flipped out and broke a lamp or something. and then on top of that it was going to be a surprise for my friends shell and tim and brody from australia who were also going, so it was torture because i couldn't say anything to anyone in case it got back to shell or tim or brody somehow that i was coming and then it wouldnt be a surprise. and im usually really good at keeping secrets but this was really hard! ok, im sometimes good at keeping secrets.
shell and i are best friends and even though we live on opposite sides of the world and she has children and i act like a child, we are still best friends and sort of just pick up where we left off whenever we're together so i was suuper pumped about seeing her and tim of course and their brand new homemade little human thing!
and it turns out he's the cutest baby ive ever met in the entire world and i can't believe they actually own a baby! but its literally the coolest thing ever and i cant even describe how cute he is and he walks and stuff and ahhh!! and im pretty sure he was equally as excited to meet me too. i made him poo a little, so thats something.
so to make matters worse i then had to spend the week with my friends that i never get to see, eating truckloads of food, by the ocean under the sun.
so yeah, i dont know if i've ever mentioned this before but i kind of like my job. like, honestly if i am ever given the choice between being a wedding photographer or being the queen, guaranteed.. hands down i will pick being queen. but then ill sell a village or something and buy every single lens ever made. then ill trick the people of the kingdom and say that i have allergies to castles and gold and stuff like and ill have to give up my position as queen and ill go back to being a wedding photographer. preferably in perfect places like cancun.
b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. wedding!!