
Never Been Partial to Manual Labour

Up until today I associated blogging with business. Posting something new on my blog meant having to work. And I'll be the first to admit that I've never been partial to manual labour in any way, shape or form. Work would be something that, if it came in bug form, I would step directly on its little body with all my weight, listening for the satisfying 'squishh' confirming that its guts are oozing out all over the pavement. Then I'd bend over and point at it and be all `HAHA thats what you get for being so sucky, Work`!

That was up until today.

Since recently stepping out into the vast world wide web and exploring other blogs and different social networking platforms that kids these days are using, its occurred to me the blogging can actually be fun. So. From this day forward I vow to hereby henceforth hereafter view blogging in a different light, and such as. I solemnly vow to see blogging as a fun part of life where I can share with the world my meaningless thoughts and daily adventures (which are usually, on a scale of one to ten, like, awesome?) Even if it's simply by posting a photo of what I ate for breakfast that morning. Now you're all, hmmm... UNfollow!
But I promise I wont get deep and sappy or anything like that. That is soooo not me. SO not.

I did not eat this dog for breakfast. I would never eat a dog.

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