Ok, not gonna lie. I'm a little scared. But more entertained, cause this is basically just like television, only better!
When we lived in Canada, there was nothing to be scared of. Ever. When we left our little igloo to go out and hunt the beavers or ride the polar bears, we literally never ever locked our doors. But at the same time, there was hardly anything to get excited about. People get worked up over the tiniest things; like I seriously remember the front page news one time was about some douche canoe who held up a convenience store for a pack of cigarettes and a bag of chips... I was all, really? I just wasted 4 minutes of my life to read that? Dane Cook jokes about it, but its no joking matter. People literally run out to the street without shoes at the sound of the slightest commotion... "I was in the kitchen cleaning a dish, I was cleaning, and I heard it so I came out. What? Shoes? Haha shoes, hahaha listen to this guy with the shoes!"
So ever since moving to the You Ess of Aye I sort of, a little bit miss our old, non-exciting lives. The only place I ever really feel safe here is under my bead in my room and in Costco. They have a strict no guns policy so I know im free from danger when at Costco.
Then today. To make things worse for my slight worryment...is that a word? It sounds right, so yeah my Mom gets a call from my dad who is at work and who never usually shows any sign of panic but who I can tell is a little bit panicked, and all I can hear is Mom's side of the conversation:
How do you KNOW?
Like they've escaped or its in progress right now?
How do you know he's a bad guy?
He's wearing a MASK??
Ok, we'll don't let them shoot you.
Oh, could you get eggs on the way home.
No, just eggs.
The little ones.
That are white.
Not the brown ones.
I don't know, I guess I've always bought white eggs so thats just what I think you should buy.
Just get white eggs, its what the kids are used to.
K Bye.
LOL. I was all, whaaaat... for reealz?? I guess that's just part of living down here. You don't get alarmed at things like that anymore because, well, no one actually got killed. Just that dad got shot at, mid combat roll while he was trying to flee the scene all stealth mode. So yeah, there's that.
But he's fine cause he's actually Superman. Pretty sure of it. So I guess I really have nothing to be afraid of when I live with Superman.

Disclaimer:Jaykay he didn't get shot at and he's provably not actually superman.
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