omg, you guys... my fingers? are honestly like, spasming right now. f'realz.
omg and can you imagine if something terrible had happened to me while i didnt have access to google!? i could have died ya'll! I COULD HAVE DIED!
k… i think my coffee was a little on the strong side this morning. my apologies.
so i was sitting there drinkin my cupa joe listening to that song enya sings where it sounds like her mouth is sealed shut with crazy glue when I was like, enya! omg i totally understand and connect with you right now!
i too have a song inside me, straining to be joyously released. actually, its just a secret. but a secret that i cant tell anyone. and its killing me. the only person i can tell is my mom. but I know she wont tell anyone. except for, maybe the other people that wont tell anyone. (ive always been really good at keeping secrets. i make sure that everyone I tell knows that they should not tell anyone) so yeah, me and enya are homies. we connect on levels you wouldnt understand.
on another subject. i was in winnipeg this week and got to photograph my adorably cute cousin again and this time his parents too! they were so festively cute in their holly jolly red and festive furs. lol, are furs festive? anyways... ill post that later. after the other 127 and a half other things on my list that i couldnt do without the internet.
honestly, like all i could do was eat and sleep and shower. it was excruciatingly painful and im so glad to be reunited.
honestly, like all i could do was eat and sleep and shower. it was excruciatingly painful and im so glad to be reunited.
OMGoodness girl you need to post a warning first! Something along the lines of, put down your tea. It's very unbecoming when it spurts out your nose while you laff. Cuz I laffed...I always do when I read you.
ReplyDeleteAlso. Or no,
ha! you seriously crack me up. :)