
Beauty Will Take Care of Itself

Gosh, I sure hope so because I definitely haven't been worrying about it. Apart from the daily necessities of personal hygiene, there has been zero primpage going on here. My hair has grown to the point that my split ends now have split ends and I'm pretty sure my eyebrows are scaring my family. Also if there was a pageant for Miss Nasty Feet, I would 100% be in first place right now. I don't even want to book a pedicure at this point because I would feel bad for the person who has to come in contact with these hoofs! No one should have to deal with an experience like that... NO one. And If they should they will definitely need my counseling services afterwards.

Anyways, so my feet are gross and I have a forest above my eyes that has begun to inhabit little forest creatures. So it came as a huge relief today when I read these words. It was like there was a little beacon of light shining down, accompanied with an orchestra of angels humming high pitched melodies. Truly. I have very celestial-like revelations. But seriously, this quote made me stop and think and see the truth in it and this Eric guy actually may be on to something. If we are more concerned about inner beauty and the things that really matter, it will inevitably shine through and transfigure into outer beauty. So there! Quit making fun of my eyebrows, I'm working on my goodness and truth.

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